Monday, September 24, 2007

TAI reveals New Insights and Questions about Life

New knowledge is being generated that brings into question commonly held beliefs about what is reality. TAI asks difficult questions like what is life? How does it function? With 50 years of deep inquiry beginning with the laws of physics, our scholars are discovering a more primary foundation than the laws of physics. TAI scholars are pointing to a new way of knowing. Research and discoveries over the past two decades are bringing into question the dominant scientific materialism worldview. Scholars like Alfred North Whitehead and Robert Rosen were among the first to begin this questioning. Now TAI is taking the inquiry to the next level. The results are shattering and hopeful. Life's organizing principles open new possibilities to complex living problems.

We live in a time of a-morality, greed-driven and power controlling efforts that are out-growths of deep mis-understandings driven by scientific materialism as the primary view of reality. With terrorism, war,government and business corruption, pollution, crime, poverty, hunger, gaps between poverty and rich, and inadequate health care on the increase, a new mind is emerging. TAI research reveals a transformation is occurring bringing with it different approaches, a significant paradigm shift in assumptions about what is life and living process. (see Noetic Sciences The Shift Report. With a new mind about life-itself, it's oneness, connectedness and the role of it's diversity to create new knowledge, problems become opportunities for an evolutionary growth that benefits the whole.

We have a perceptual problem. To go beyond the dominant paradigm, TAI questions our 2500 years of metaphysics, philosophy, and logics. That which has been invisible can become visible but new metaphysics, philosophy and logics are needed to meet the demands of new discoveries that laws of physics cannot account for.

Energy equal Mass multiplied by the Speed of Light Squared takes on new significance when life is primary, not matter.

If Life-itself is "energy" that obeys a set of "natural laws" that have yet to be discovered, we can begin the process of making sense of discoveries now coming out of quantum physics, biophysics, relativity, consciousness, value dynamics, and social dynamics.

What's shifting:

Over the past 2000 years the pre-occupation of study and perception has been that reality is material and its motion. From that has evolved widespread belief that life sprang from an unusual combination of chemicals and atmospheric conditions that existed to produce the cosmos. The problem-solving logic that followed from that perception produced the physical sciences as is dominant today.

The world's social conditions have grown out of an ignorance of life-itself's organizing coherence. The traditional sciences have actually "prevented" us from perceiving what's being revealed. Social problems have been approached with the same reasoning as though humans were just stones to be assembled into a pyramid, and if we can just apply the right forces in the right design we can get all the stones to line up the way we want them to. That's now changing.

But in the last few decades new research suggests that our past science models of life are not only inadequate, but are fundamentally wrong.

What if……
*Life created matter, rather than arising from matter?
* Life learns by initiating creative acts using will and observing the results?
* Life does not obey the same laws as physical matter, and life energy cannot be perceived using traditional scientific methods?
* What if there are coherence conditions imposed by Life-itself that guide living process?

Understanding the nature of life itself and living processes towards a new science of life is the mission of TAI.

We believe that four elements need to be brought together to advance our understanding of life-itself.

*Defining a new science domain of life-itself using both philosophical and scientific methods to produce coherence of knowledge and integrity of results.
* Making a distinction between science and philosophy, and understanding that both are necessary to develop our new understanding of life-itself.
* Conducting research on life-itself under sponsorship and conditions that will allow seemingly radical ideas to be discussed and understood without repression or suppression.
* Individual development in self-knowing and awareness of the coherence operative within life-itself.

Join in the process.
